Monday, April 30, 2007

$3 for Windows and MSOffice student Edition

Bill Gates has announced recently (19/04/07) in Beijing, China, of Microsoft latest initiative for the poor student. You can get windows starter edition and msoffice home and student edition for just US$3. Sound interesting. Unfortunately, as I read from their webpage, this kind of offering is only for poor country as listed by World Bank, and it's only if the government of the country willing to take the offerings. There is another catch, the government must sponsor the pc, either new or refurbished pc, and give it to the student. I wonder is Malaysia eligible for this. As far as I know, windows starter edition was built due to a demand from government of our country and others developing country.
On the marketing side, I myself look at the strategies with mix feeling. On the other hand, the government of the country that took part of this initiative, will be a 'free marketeer' of Microsoft. They are actually creating and building the future consumer of Microsoft product. We unwillingly will be abide with the 'law of microsoft technology' which means, our next/new generation will not only the user of microsoft software, but the only OS that they will ever use. Thanks for goverment effort in providing their fellow countrymen with refurbished pc. On the bright side, congratulation microsoft for the brave initiative.
An alternative offering that provide more software from linux and free software and license, you can also download and run Edubuntu, which is feature-rich and accepted and used widely worldwide.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

MANDRIVA 2007 spring edition available now.

In my recent post, I've announced Ubuntu latest released! I forgot to mention my second favorite linux distro (I have used this distro free edition before Ubuntu see the light). Mandriva 2007 spring edition, also known as Mandriva 2007.1 beijing, were release a few days before major release of Ubuntu. Since their offering is gigantic DVD edition, I haven't download the release yet, but my brother already confirm the success of downloading it. I may just ask him to burn a copy for me. Oh did i mention, it is free edition? Mandriva offers paid and free edition, with free edition limit itself to abide by GPL or open source philosophy purely and no official support. With Paid-for edition, you will have even more software, no need to downloading it (except updating maybe in later date-yes linux always updated!) and OFFICIAL support! So, if you stuck with limited wallet, you just grab a free communtiy edition and maybe become their club member for a small fee.

The latest Ubuntu 7.04 released

My favorite linux distro just released with a lot of updates. I've tried and tested, and use Ubuntu since 5.04, and this version is a worth-waiting.
For those who a new to linux and ubuntu, feel free to download ISO images from Don't worry, you not necessarily need to install to your hard disk or wipe out your Windows. The technology of what linux communities called live-cd, were matured and safely used by non-linux or first timer user. If you a lucky owner of ati or nvidia 3D capable card, especially those who just bought new computer, you'll be surprise by how far the gui and 3D technology used in linux, even better than Windows Vista. Anyway, that's my own opinion, and I am using ubuntu in my ACER Aspire 1682WLMI with ATI Mobility Radeon 9700/64MB graphic card.
Try it, test it, you'll love it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I may be late, but better than never. I've just came across Firefox crop circle
Also here at 45°7′26″N 123°6′48″W. So, when will they do Tux?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Great Softwares for Mathematics Teachers

Just a few days ago I have to search for graphical tools softwares to assist me in economics teaching. Unfortunately, I didn't managed to find what I wants but been fortunately enough found there're a lot of FREE software specifically for viewing graph by entering a mathematic function.
Just google this word, 'GRAPHICAL TOOLS FREE' and you will find a lot of offering. I guest with a few step of learning teachers and student may be able to use it.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Have you ever wonder where to find a computer magazine specifically for Linux. Well I did sometimes ago when my brother introduced me to linux. That time I only new very little about linux and used Definite Linux (no longer exist) before tinkering with Red Hat and Mandrake in my i486 PC. Well, look no further than LINUX FORMAT published in U.K.

And the best thing is, LXF gives you a DVD full of distros available. I don't have to download full ISO of Fedora Core, Ubuntu, Mandriva, SUSE, just to name a few. You can have the latest distros available inside you magazine. However, usually it's 2-3 months older than the released version in the internet, with the exception of main distro that usually have 6 to 12 months release time-frame, which still gives you the latest.

I've reading Linux Format (LXF) for more than 4 years, since November 2002 and have never turned away. So now you know what I've been reading yesterday.