Monday, September 18, 2006

OSS, Hadiah komuniti dunia kepada guru-guru sedunia

Pernah tak rakan guru mendengar akronim ini, OSS, FLOSS, FOSS? Tau tak di dunia ini ada pelbagai macam perisian percuma yang berkualiti?

Hari ini saya nak ajak rakan-rakan guru meneroka peluang menarik ini, tanpa perlu dituduh pengguna 'salinan original' (@ CR) dan tanpa perlu wang untuk membayar lesen. OSS adalah akronim kepada 'Open Source Software', FLOSS pula 'Free, Libre and Open Source Software', manakalah FOSS pula 'Free and Open Source Software'. Free software tak sama dengan open source software, tetapi majoriti OSS adalah percuma. Tak percaya, cuba rakan guru 'meng-google' kata kunci open source software. gerenti banyak maklumat boleh didapati. MODAL TERPENTING HANYALAH KEINGINAN UNTUK MENGETAHUI DAN MEMPELAJARI SESUATU YANG BARU.

Oh ya, OSS juga wujud untuk windows, namun lebih banyak, terlebih banyak untuk sistem operasian open source seperti GNU/Linux (ubuntu, opensuse, mandriva (free edition), freespire, etc) atau yang percuma seperti FreeBSD atau OpenBSD, opensolaris, etc.

JOM OSSkan diri kita, tak pe, lakukan perlahan-lahan. Yang terpenting kita membudayakan 'RESPEK pada IP' sepertimana kempen kerajaan.


Have you ever heard of the acronym OSS, FLOSS and FOSS? Do you know that there is are free softwares with standard qualities in this world?

Today I'd like to invite all of you, my dear educators, to take the opportunity, without feeling guilty and any money flowing out. OSS stands for Open Source Software, FLOSS is a Free Libre and Open Source Software, whereas FOSS is for Free and Open Source Software. Actually, Free software is not an open source software, but mostly OSS is free! You don't believe me, why don't you try googling this word; open source software. I can assure you, a lot of information can be retrieved from the net. The main thing is, YOU ARE MUST HAVE A DESIRE TO KNOW AND WILLING TO LEARN NEW THINGS. THAT IS ALL.

BTW, OSS also available for Windows, but mostly downloadable for open source operating system like GNU/Linux (ubuntu, opensuse, mandriva (free edition), freespire, etc) or free OS such as FreeBSD atau OpenBSD, opensolaris, etc.

So, lets open ourselves to OSS, be it at slow pace or not. At least, we are willing to incorporate a new value i.e. 'Respects to other IP', in responds to the government campaigns.

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